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  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:个体经营
  • 公司地址: 湖南省 株洲 荷塘区 株洲市荷塘区
  • 姓名: 龚叶群
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



    We are purchase agent , involved in helping abroad customer to purchase goods in China mainland . The mainly products are LED lighting , refrigerator lighting and microwave oven lighting  . The procedure of purchase agent service is as bellow :
     with domestical manufacturers 
     products by using E-commerce platform 
     the inquiry of abroad customer 
     the customer’s rquirements and demands , trade terms , payment terms and vendors’ qualification
     corresponding vendors 
     domestical vendors provide quotation 
     to the domestical industry standard . On basis of lowest price , we will make the quotation to the customer 
     the original quotation documents and quotation analysis report to abroad customer 
     to cutomer’s choice , we will reselect the vedors 
     the customer to get the samples 
     customer to issue the Purchase Order 
     the customer to follow up the goods and delivery 

    主要市场 **
    经营范围 公司主要经营灯泡,灯丝, 灯丝类:汽车灯灯丝,普泡灯丝,节日灯灯丝,荧光灯灯丝,卤索灯灯丝,红外线灯灯丝,汞灯灯丝;灯泡类:微波炉灯泡,冰箱灯泡,烤炉灯泡及各种电器指示类灯泡,LED。


    企业经济性质: 个体经营 法人代表或负责人:
    企业类型: 经销批发 公司注册地: 株洲
    注册资金: 人民币 100 万元以下 成立时间: 2010-07-12
    员工人数: 5 人以下 月产量:
    年营业额: 人民币 100 - 250 万元 年出口额: 人民币 250 - 500 万元
    管理体系认证: 主要经营地点:
    主要客户: 厂房面积: 4090
    是否提供OEM代加工: 开户银行:
    主要市场: **
    主营产品或服务: 灯丝类:汽车灯灯丝,普泡灯丝,节日灯灯丝,荧光灯灯丝,卤索灯灯丝,红外线灯灯丝,汞灯灯丝;灯泡类:微波炉灯泡,冰箱灯泡,烤炉灯泡及各种电器指示类灯泡,LED。